I want to apologize for the lack of not only a Halloween Animation, but a Xmas animation as well. I've been busy as hell for the past couple of months due to my life *I.E., My college courses, My social and Personal life, and work* and to top it all off, Animathon '08's SECOND attempt was thawrted due to an Ingrown toenail surgery and leaving my Power cable for my computer 100 miles away from where I moved the actual computer! All In all, Sonofgoku1= fail for 2007
But lets hope for the best in 2008! I'm back to animating Zombie Tips 2, which I hope will be out before January is up. After that, I'll be taking a break from animation to work on my comic. It will be featured on my Website, www.spiffyproductions.com , and maybe a local newspaper if I get hired. stay tuned to figure out what Spiffy Productions has in store for you!